Jiujitsu : THE KNEE KICK
Bear in mind during your practice that in certain circumstances you would be justified in using the knee kick, and when matters come to that pass, kick swiftly, and then follow up with the third method, or take him prisoner with the wrist twist.
In other words, while you faithfully practice these other methods, look upon them as a means to an end, as a training in the effective use to an end, as a training in the effective use of the body, but where it is a case of life or death, use the knee kick, before your Assailant has time to get in his dirty work.
Assailant seizes your throat.
Bring your palms together.
(In practice, Assailant must hold tightly with his fingers, but will not press your throat with his thumbs.)
Place your hands behind his head or on his neck.
Pull his head smartly down, simultaneously bringing up your knee onto his nose with sufficient force to knock him out.
In practice, stop the blow three or four inches from his nose.
Make the effort from the Stahara to ensure efficient coordination between arms and legs, and keep your balance.
Assailant takes the throat hold.
Swing your right elbow up over Assailant's left arm, knocking his hands away from your throat and throwing him off balance.
Make the swing, not with the arm, but with the whole body (the Stahara).
Swing your elbow back full into Assailant's neck or jaw. They are both equally vital points and a fair blow will lay him out
In practice stop the blow three or four inches from your partner's neck.
As you swing in figure 2, step forward and inward with your right foot and step backward and to the right with your left foot. Compare your position carefully with figure 2.
Do not knock his arm away with your arm, but bring your armpit in contact with his arm. The swing of the body knocks his arm away and also twists your neck out of his grasp.
Practice this until you get the knack of playing the strength of your body against the strength of his arm. Until this knack is acquired, speed should not be attempted. After mastering this trick -- the third defense, discard the other two -- the first and second defenses.
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